PTC UDI Domain
The UDI domain provides access to the UDI module of Windchill. The UDI module allows users to comply with the Part 830 medical device regulation for the UDI submission process. Users can electronically submit unique device identifiers for their medical devices and device packages to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Global Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID). Use the services provided by this domain to read the UDI super set data, and to create and modify the UDI super set objects. Users can add, remove, or modify the details present in the table data step of the UDI super set object. Users can update the UDI super set object based on the permission present in policy administration.
The following table lists the significant OData entities available in the UDI domain. To see all the OData entities available in the UDI domain, refer to the EDM of the domain. The domain EDM is available at the metadata URL.
OData Entities
UDI Super Sets
The UDISuperSets entity is created from the UDI data. You can create, update or read UDISuperSets.
UDI Super set ID
The UDISuperSetId is used to identify a UDI super set.
UDI super set details
The UDISuperSetDetail entity represents the detailed information for a UDI super set.
Packaging Configurations
The PackagingConfigurations entity represents UDI submissions and UDI templates. PackagingConfigurations can be created, edited and read for UDI submissions, and edited but not created for UDI templates.