Basic Information for Configuring Entities
To configure an entity, the framework requires information on the following entity properties:
name—Name of the entity. Entity name is always defined in camel case. For example, WindchillPart.
collectionName—Name of the entity collection. For example, Parts.
type—Type of entity. Set the value as wcType for entities that are backed by Windchill types. For other entities specify the value as basic.
wcType—This property must be set if type property is specified as wcType. The entity type is backed by Windchill types. For example, wt.part.WTPart.
If you configure wctype as [domain].<Windchill_type> in the <Entity JSON> file, then [domain] is read as the internet domain, which is set for the exchange container. For example, if the internet domain for the exchange container is set to com.ptc and wctype for DynamicDocument is configured as:
"wcType": "[domain].DynamicDocument"
The wctype is read by clients as com.ptc.DynamicDocument.
description—Description of the entity type.
operations—List of CRUD operations that are permitted on entities. For wcType entities, the READ operation is permitted by default. The other operations that are permitted must be specified explicitly.
For basic entities, the operations that are permitted must be explicitly specified in the configuration file.
hasCommonProperties—Indicates if an entity contains Windchill attributes that are common for objects. For example, attributes such as, Name, Number, and so on. When the property is set to true for an entity, the action UpdateableViaAction is available in the domain. This action is used to edit the values of common attributes.
If you specify hasCommonProperties as true, it is mandatory to specify at least one attribute as common. See the section Configuring Structural Properties, for more details.