Working with Windchill Requirements Connector > Working with projects and files > ReqIF/RIF validation in the project explorer
ReqIF/RIF validation in the project explorer
You can validate ReqIF/RIF documents in the project explorer.
Please follow the steps for general validation of ReqIF/RIF files.
1. Navigate the workspace where the document exists_(e.g) exchange > export in the project explorer.
2. Right-click on the ReqIF/RIF and click the Validate requirement files... option.
ReqIF/RIF Validation
Valid ReqIF/RIF:
If there is no error in the ReqIF/RIF document, the success result is displayed with green right mark in the Validation Result window.
Valid ReqIF/RIF
Invalid ReqIF/RIF:
If the ReqIF/RIF document is invalid, the error is displayed with red cross mark in the Validation Result window.
Invalid ReqIF/RIF
Problem window error:
If the ReqIF/RIF file is invalid, you can see the error in the problem window also.
If you double click on the error in the problem window, the ReqIF/RIF is opened in the text editor and it is showing the error line.
Problem window error
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