Concepts of Windchill Requirements Connector > Propagating changes in a roundtrip with partners
Propagating changes in a roundtrip with partners
This section describes how changes can be propagated between the roundtrip initiator and the roundtrip participants after the initial export and import has been performed.
Subsequent exchange cycles
After initial operations (initial export or import) have been performed, changes need to be propagated.
To do so, the same configuration is reused.
Two scenarios are possible:
Changes were performed in the local data source, for example an RE/RM tool, and need to be propagated to the roundtrip partner.
Changes from a partner need to be updated in the local data source.
Thereafter, all changes can be propagated based on one of these two steps:
Propagating changes from a data source (also called re-export), and
Propagating changes to a data source (also called update).
Scenario 1: Each supplier comments the documents in Windchill RV&S and re-exports the documents to the customer.
Supplier comment export
Scenario 2: The customer updates the comments of their suppliers in Windchill RV&S.
When the customer consolidates the comments of their suppliers and performs changes to requirements, a new exchange cycle is launched where:
the customer exports the consolidated document.
the supplier updates their local Windchill RV&S.
the supplier comments changes.
the supplier exports commented documents.
the customer updates the commented documents.
The roundtrip configuration can be fine-tuned to limit the amount of data to be exported in each cycle.
Customer comments import
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