Resolving ID mismatches
This section describes how to resolve (RIF/ReqIF) identifier mismatches during an exchange process when using DOORS Classic (9.x). The following error message shows a situation where there exist two different IDs for the same attribute that is currently exchanged. The message is shown for each attribute that has a mismatch — in this case one document attribute and one object attribute.
Identifier mismatch detected
There are two ways of resolving the situation. PTC strongly recommends to resolve the root cause by using the Administration tool to clean up the mismatch within the replication database. For further assistance please contact PTC eSupport
In order to proceed with the current exchange without fixing the root cause please refer to Handling ID mismatches.
To resolve the ID mismatch completely please use the following steps:
1. Within the documents table select the document for which the ID mismatch should be resolved and open the context menu via right click.
Option to resolve ID mismatch
2. Select Change replication identifier...
Start changing identifier process
3. Click Next and a list of attributes with mismatching identifiers will be displayed.
List of attributes with mismatching identifiers
4. Click Finish and read the following message carefully. If you are unsure, please contact PTC eSupport
When confirming the warning, the replication IDs within the replication database on the importing side will be overwritten with the replication IDs coming from the RIF/ReqIF file that should be imported. This operation cannot be undone!
Confirmation message
5. Click Yes if you are sure about the changes.
6. The identifier mismatches will be resolved and a log entry will be created in the Audit tab.
Identifier mismatch resolved
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