Release Notes > SOLIDWORKS > Improved Save and Check Out Behavior for SOLIDWORKS Instances
Improved Save and Check Out Behavior for SOLIDWORKS Instances
Windchill Workgroup Manager for SOLIDWORKS
User Interface Location: N/A
When connected to Windchill, you can save or check out the generic and the active instance using Save or Check Out commands in SOLIDWORKS.
When the Independently Modify Instances preference is set to Yes and the active instance is managed, the following applies:
The Save command in the SOLIDWORKS toolbar saves the generic and the active instance.
The Check Out command (available on the PTC Windchill Ribbon menu, through a right-click action in the SOLIDWORKS Feature Tree, or from PTC Windchill Status tab) checks out the generic and the active instance.
The Revise and Check Out command revises and checks out the generic and the active instance.