Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About Windchill Service Information Manager - S1000D Module > Additions to the Windchill Service Information Manager > Additions to the User Interface > Edit Product Dialog Box
Edit Product Dialog Box
The Edit Product dialog box allows you to edit the details of existing products.
The Edit Product dialog box is displayed when you select Edit from the shortcut menu on the Products list.
Displays the type of S1000D product.
S1000D Help
Displays this help topic when clicked.
Product Attributes section
Specifies the name of the product.
A free text description of the product.
Displays the owner of the product.
Private Access
If Yes, then access is restricted to use only the access control policies that are defined within the product context being created. The product does not inherit any public access policy rules written at the organization level.
If No, then the product is accessible based on the following:
the access control policies that are defined for the product context.
those inherited access control policies defined in the parent context.
See your administrator for more information on access control.
S1000D Data Module Defaults section
Security Classification
Specifies the default security classification for the project.
Item Location Code
Sets the project default Item Location Code:
A — On End Item
B — On Major Assembly
C — On Removed Equipment
D — Any of A, B, or C.
T— Training only
Z— Generic item location code
Responsible Partner Company
Sets the default Responsible Partner Company NSCM code and name.
Sets the default NSCM code and name.
Language Code
Sets the default language code.
Country Code
Sets the default country code.
S1000D Data Module Business Decisions section
RPC — Use Enterprise Name
If set to Yes, the RPC name (<responsiblePartnerCompany><enterpriseName>) is included in the ID and Status sections of the project’s data modules.
RPC — Use Enterprise Code
If set to Yes, the originator code (<responsiblePartnerCompany> attribute enterpriseCode) is included in the ID and Status sections of the project’s data modules.
Originator — Use Enterprise Name
If set to Yes, the originator name (<originator><enterpriseName>) is included in the ID and Status sections of the project’s data modules.
Originator — Use Enterprise Code
If set to Yes, the RPC code (<originator> attribute enterpriseCode) is included in the ID and Status sections of the project’s data modules.
Include Info Name in DM
If set to Yes, the information name (<dmTitle> <infoName>) is used in the ID and Status sections of the project’s data modules.
Include DM Title in Referenced DMs
If set to Yes, the data module title (<dmTitle>) is populated in the ID and Status sections for referenced data modules.
S1000D ICN Model Identification-based Defaults section
This section sets the default ICN numbering defaults that are used subsequently when creating ICNs.
For more information about ICN numbering, see Information Control Numbers (ICN).
Use Model ID-based ICNs
Set to Yes If you want to use Model Identification Code-based Information Control Numbers.
Responsible Partner Company Code
Enter the RPC code that is used during subsequent ICN creation.
Select the originator from the pull-down list.
Issue Number Length
This defines the length of the Issue Number on newly created ICNs.
Different issues of the S1000D specification require different padding lengths for Issue Number.
Unique Identifier — Allow Gaps in Sequence
Determines whether gaps in the sequence are filled or not.
For example, if you have an ICN with sequence number 00002, and the sequence is starting from 0:
If this is set to No, a new ICN is given the sequence number 00001, and the next is given 00003
If it is set to Yes, the first ICN is given the sequence number 00003, and the next is given 00004.
Security Classification
Specifies the default security classification for the project.
S1000D ICN CAGE Code-based Defaults section
This section sets the default ICN numbering defaults that are used subsequently when creating ICNs.
For more information about ICN numbering, see Information Control Numbers (ICN).
Use CAGE Code-based ICNs
Set to Yes If you want to use CAGE Code-based Information Control Numbers.
Select the originator from the pull-down list.
Unique Identifier Prefix
Enter the unique identifier that is used during subsequent ICN creation.
Unique Identifier Length (including prefix)
This defines the length of the Unique Identifier on newly created ICNs.
Different issues of the S1000D specification require different padding lengths for Unique Identifier.
Unique Identifier — Allow Gaps in Sequence
Determines whether gaps in the sequence are filled or not.
For example, consider having an ICN with sequence number 00002, and the sequence is starting from 0.
If this is set to Yes, a new ICN is given the sequence number 00001, and the next is given 00003
If it is set to No, the first ICN is given the sequence number 00003, and the next is given 00004.
Security Classification
Specifies the default security classification for the project.
XML Validation section
Allow Check In With Invalid Schema
If Yes is selected, the data modules can still be checked in even if schema validation errors are found.
Allow Check In With Unparsed Entities
If Yes is selected, the data modules can still be checked in even if unparsed entity validation errors are found.
S1000D Validation section
Allow Check In With Invalid Brex
If Yes is selected, the data modules can still be checked in even if BREX validation errors are found.
Servigistics InService A&D Publishing Configuration section
The Servigistics InService A&D publishing configuration attributes must be set before you can publish to Servigistics InService A&D.
Host URL
Specifies the Servigistics InService A&D host for data upload.
This must be a valid Servigistics InService A&D host location.
DMS Output Path
Specifies the Servigistics InService A&D publishing folder.
This must resolve to the same path as the DMSOutputPath defined in Servigistics InService A&D.
Recommended formats are a UNC path (for example, \\server\share) or a mapped drive path (for example, x:\share).
Publication Identifiers
Specifies the list of Servigistics InService A&D publication identifiers that apply for the product.
Use the + option to enter multiple publication identifiers for the product if required. You can select from this list when creating a new publication structure, if you want to set a default identifier for the structure.
Each Publication Identifier can include alphanumeric characters including the standard dash character (-), and open ([) and close (]) square brackets.
Store Copy of Published Data
Specifies whether a copy of the published data is stored in Windchill.
Select Yes to store the published data in Windchill.
Technical Information Repository Reference Type section
Reference Mechanism
Specifies the types of reference that can be used in a data module to access TIR data.
The section is named Common Information Repository Reference Type if creating a product using S1000D Issue 4.1
Creates the new product and closes the dialog box.
Cancels the current operation and closes the dialog box.
For more information, see Add a New S1000D Product.