Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Wizard Processing > Solution > Procedure - Creating Your Wizard Processing Code > Wizards with a Single Target Object > Create your processor class
Create your processor class
Three processors for handling object creation and editing wizards are delivered with the product:
These processors may be used as is or extended for your own purposes.
If your wizard is not an object creation or editing wizard you will need to create your own ObjectFormProcessor. ObjectFormProcessors should extend the DefaultObjectFormProcessor class.
You should place your form processing logic into the preProcess(), doOperation(), postProcess(), and postTransactionProcess() methods of the processor, as appropriate. Your methods should call the corresponding super method of the DefaultObjectFormProcessor, which will handle the calling of ObjectFormProcessorDelegates. These methods will be passed a single ObjectBean, which will contain all the form data from the wizard. The form data can be accessed using the getter methods of that object. The following getter methods are commonly used:
public Map<String,List<String>> getChangedComboBox()
public Map<String,String> getChangedRadio()
public Map<String,String> getChangedText()
public Map<String,String> getChangedTextArea()
public Map<String,List<String>> getChecked()
public Map<String,List<String>> getUnChecked()
public List getRemovedItemsByName(String paramName)
public List getAddedItemsByName(String paramName)
public String getTextParameter(String key)
public String[] getTextParameterValues String key)
See the javadoc for more information.
The "object" attribute of the ObjectBean represents an instance of the target object . Where appropriate, it should be set by one of your processor methods (most likely preProcess()) for use by downstream methods. Other information can be passed from one method to another using processor instance variables.
The NmCommandBean object passed to these methods contains information about the page from which the wizard was launched and the object selected on the parent page when the wizard was launched. It also contains all the HTML form data but you should use the methods on the ObjectBean rather than the NmCommandBean to access that data. See the javadoc for NmCommandBean for more information.
You pass the outcome of the preProcess(), doOperation(), postProcess(), and postTransactionProcess() methods back to the DefaultFormProcessorController using the com.ptc.core.component.FormResult object. Before returning, each of these methods should call FormResult.setStatus() to return the processing status. Three options are available:
FormProcessingStatus.SUCCESS - if the method executed without error
FormProcessingStatus.FAILURE - if the method encountered a fatal errors FormProcessingStatus.NON_FATAL_ERROR - if the method succeeded but encountered one or more problems that should be reported to the user.
The DefaultFormProcessorController passes the returned FormResult to its continueExecuting() method to determine whether processing should continue to the next phase or be aborted. By default, it will abort only if the status is FormProcessingStatus.FAILURE. If processing is to be aborted or after all processing competes successfully, the controller will call the setResultNextAction() method of the ObjectFormProcessor to set information in the FormResult needed to construct the response page sent back to the browser.
This method should convey the following information:
The feedback messages should be displayed to the user, if any.
Determined from the feedbackMessages and exceptions variables.
Feedback messages, if any, are displayed before executing any window operations or provided javascript.
Exception messages are only displayed if status is FormProcessingStatus.FAILURE or FormProcessingStatus.NON_FATAL_ERROR.
See the javadoc for the FormResult and FormProcessingStatus classes for more information.
It is also possible for your ObjectFormProcessor's preProcess(), doOperation(), postProcess(), and postTransactionProcess() methods to throw exceptions. In that case, control will be returned to the ActionController which will set the variables of the FormResult as follows:
status - FormProcessingStatus.FAILURE
exceptions - the thrown Exception
This will cause the response page to display the exception message in an alert window and then close the wizard window.