Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Windchill MPMLink Overview > MPMLink Explorers > About the Manufacturing Product Structure Explorer > About Windchill MPMLink Explorer Menus
About Windchill MPMLink Explorer Menus
The following menus are available at the top of each Windchill MPMLink explorer. The specific options that are available depend on the explorer.
Menu Options
Menu Option
Create a new manufacturing object, opens or closes an existing manufacturing object, or exits the explorer. Also used to manage explorer Preferences.
Cuts, copies or searches for the objects in the structure tree.
Displays and navigates to different objects in structure tree.
Applies changes to a selected object. For example, check ins, check outs, name changing, and adding to baselines.
Opens the online help to provide information about the Windchill MPMLink explorer and provides release and copyright information.