Enterprise Administration > File Vaulting and Replication > File Vaulting > Understanding File Vaulting > Managing Revaulting > Viewing the Results of Revaulting
Viewing the Results of Revaulting
To review the results of the revaulting operations, select a revaulting schedule on the External Storage Scheduling window and then click Log. The Revaulting History window opens. This window displays the vault, the time that the revaulting run request was submitted, that the revaulting run was completed, and the execution status of all revaulting runs.
In certain cases, because of the way data is configured, not all of the objects to be revaulted are included in a single revaulting run. This can occur when two different content holders share the same vaulted content through separate application data entries. In this case, both content holders are not picked up for the same revaulting run. When this occurs, the remaining objects are picked up in the next revaulting run.
Following are tips for scheduling revaulting:
The completion time of a run should be earlier than the submission time of the next revaulting run. If this is not the case, you should increase the period length to prevent this overlap.
Revaulting should occur on a regular basis. Because it can be a resource intensive operation, PTC recommends that revaulting be scheduled for a time period with the least system activity.
A revaulting schedule can begin immediately (Immediate) or on a schedule that you determine (On Schedule), and it can occur one time (Once) or periodically at the interval that you specify (Periodic). It is recommended that you set revaulting to occur periodically and at a date and time that you specify. Use the On Schedule and Periodic options to accomplish this.