Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > WVS Publish Rules > Evaluating Publish Rules > Introduction > Evaluating Publish Rules Logic > Step 8: Matching <publish>
Step 8: Matching <publish>
Steps 2 through 6 determine a root for searching for <publish> elements. This root can be an <epm-number>, <epm-iba>, <epm-type>, or <authoring-application> element.
A Publish Job is created for each <publish> element child of the root whose ‘on’ attribute matches the event that caused Publish Rules Evaluation to be invoked. If no <publish> elements are matched, no Publish Jobs are created.
< … root for publishing … >

<publish on=”checkin” param-set=”SET1”/>

<publish on=”checkin”/>

<publish on=”schedule” output=”VALID_WORKER_OUTPUT” param-set=”SET1”/>

</ … end of root for publishing … >
For each match, the attributes of the matched <publish> element are processed. The possible attributes are as follows:
on - The possible ‘on’ values correlate to the triggers described at the very beginning of this section. They are “checkin”, “schedule”, “create-representation”, and “unknown-source”. (A fifth trigger, called “manual-post”, is described later in this document. See Manual Post Publishing for details.) In the example above, there are three "on" values: two for checkin and one for schedule. If the trigger for Publish Rules evaluation was due to a checkin of an EPMDocument, two publish jobs would be created. If the trigger was due to a scheduled job of an EPMDocument, one publish job would be created. If the trigger was due to the manual New Representation wizard from the user interface, no publish jobs would be created.
output - If an ‘output’ attribute is present (as shown in the third <publish> line above), it is part of the information in the Publish Job that can be used by the Worker. The use of this attribute is not valid for all Workers.
param-set - If a ‘param-set’ attribute is present, the Publish Rules XML file is searched for a <param-set> element with a ‘name’ attribute matching the value of the ‘param-set’ attribute. Step 9 describes the processing of a matched <param-set> element. In the example above, the param-set value is "SET1".
param-set-ref -If a <param-set-ref...> sub-element is present in a <publish on=...> element block, the Publish Rules XML file is searched for a <param-set...> element with a ‘name’ attribute matching the value of the param-set-ref “name” attribute. Multiple <param-set-ref...> sub-element can be added, each referencing different param-set definitions in the same XML file, to invoke multiple post-publishing delegates for the single <publish on=...> element block.
Step 9 describes the processing of a matched <param-set-ref> element.