Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > WVS Publish Rules > Evaluating Publish Rules > Introduction > Evaluating Publish Rules Logic > Step 1: Matching <authoring-application>
Step 1: Matching <authoring-application>
The <rules> element must have one <authoring-application> child for each authoring application specified in the WVS Property publish.usesPublishRules.
For example, to specify Servigistics Arbortext and Creo Parametric as authoring applications, these commands would be used:
<authoring-application name=”ARBORTEXT”>

<authoring-application name=”PROE”>
In general, the concept is:
<authoring-application name=”MY_AUTH_APP”>
Publish Rules Evaluation searches for the <authoring-application> element with a ‘name’ attribute matching the EPMDocument’s Authoring Application. If a match is not found, no Publish Jobs are generated; otherwise, evaluation proceeds to Step 2.