Enterprise Administration > Windchill Export and Import > PTC Windchill PLM Connector - Creo Packages Administrator's and User's Guide > Windchill PLM Connector – Creo Packages > Exporting Packages Using the Recipe Language > Introduction > Incremental Packages Support > Manage Baselines Using Creo Packages
Manage Baselines Using Creo Packages
This section contains information on how to manage baselines for incremental package export.
In Creo Packages, baselines are managed using the following methodologies:
During your client installation you specified the destination folder for the creation of export and import baselines in the Specify Baseline Folder Path installation screen.
You must specify the destination folder for the creation of export and import baselines in Creo Packages.
You must update the wpc_preferences.txt file with the baseline folder path before you begin using Creo Packages. See information pertaining to preparing the package for export and the wpc_preferences.txt file sections in Exporting Packages.