Specialized Administration > Site Maintenance > Managing Windchill Logging > Understanding Summary Log Entries and MBeans Settings
Understanding Summary Log Entries and MBeans Settings
Many of the log entries that are statistical summaries provide useful information for anyone checking on the health of your system or anyone attempting to debug a specific problem that has been identified. Configuring when and how often these types of messages are logged can be done through some of the Windchill MBeans.
To make the changes made through the MBeans permanent, you must use the Loader MBean as described in Using the Loader MBean to Persist Configuration Changes.
When viewing a log file, the statistical summaries included can be identified by either of the following:
a logger name that ends in stats.summary
What is generated for the general summary (provided from wt.summary.general) can be managed through the out-of-the-box summary MBean located under Summaries.
For the default statistical summary entries that are identified by stats.summary, you can determine which MBean controls the content of the generated entry by matching the MBean name with part of the name appearing before .stats.summary. For example, assume a method server log entry begins with the following:
Wed 9/3/08 13:52:50: wt.jmx.core.SharedScheduledExecutor.worker: INFO :

com.infoengine.util.IeContextMonitor.stats.summary -
From the name IeContextMonitor, you can deduce that the MBean controlling this entry is IeContexts (which can be located under the Monitors node in the tree). See IeContexts (Monitors).
If a method server log entry begins with the following:
Wed 9/3/08 13:52:50: wt.jmx.core.SharedScheduledExecutor.worker: INFO :

com.infoengine.jndi.DirContextMonitor.stats.summary -
Then, MBean controlling this entry is DirContexts. See DirContexts (Monitors).
Use the following attributes associated with each MBean to manage the summary:
SummaryIntervalSeconds - determines how often the statistic is logged (default 600 seconds)
SummaryStatisticsLoggerName - this name appears in the log entry
SummaryStatisticsLoggerLevel - ERROR, FATAL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, or WARN
StatisticsLoggerOutputAttributes - the data to be logged
StatisticsLoggerOutputAttributesSupported - the data available to be logged
PTC recommends that you always log summary information similar to what is provided by default so that you have a record of how the system is performing throughout the day.