Specialized Administration > Configuring Your Windchill Environment > Using Windchill Configuration Assistant to Configure Windchill > Running the Windchill Configuration Assistant > Ant Command Syntax for Running the Assistant > Targets for WindchillConfigAssistant.xml > Targets for Rolling Back Configuration Changes Made Through the Assistant
Targets for Rolling Back Configuration Changes Made Through the Assistant
The following table describes the targets that you can use to roll back the configuration changes that were propagated by the assistant.
Each time a target that calculates recommended values is run, the assistant generates a separate backup file. The assistant uses the latest backup files that were created for the restoration. Before running a target to roll back configuration changes, ensure that the latest backup files have the values you want to use.
Rolls back any changes that were made when the configureWindchill target was last run. It replaces values in <Windchill>/utilities/wca/conf/windchill/windchillconfigurator.xconf with backup values.
Rolls back any changes that were made when the configureTomcat target was run using the property values stored in the backup file.
Calls the following targets:
Rolling back changes does not remove the ConfigurationRef element from the site.xconf file; if you want to remove the element, execute the uninstallConfigRef target.