Specialized Administration > Configuring Your Windchill Environment > Using Windchill Configuration Assistant to Configure Windchill > Running the Windchill Configuration Assistant > Ant Command Syntax for Running the Assistant > Running Windchill Configuration Assistant in Propagation Mode
Running Windchill Configuration Assistant in Propagation Mode
When the Windchill Configuration Assistant runs a target that calculates recommended configuration values, it stores updated property name/value pairs in the file named:
The properties in this XCONF file can be propagated by the xconfmanager utility through to the various property files that it manages if the ConfigurationRef element has been added to the site.xconf file as described in Targets for the site.xconf ConfigurationRef Element.
The Windchill Configuration Assistant has the option to call xconfmanager utility to propagate all calculated property values to the appropriate properties files. By default, the Windchill Configuration Assistant does not propagate values; therefore, unless you explicitly set the value of the propagate argument to true on the ant command line when you are executing valid targets, the calculated property values are not propagated.
To run the assistant in propagation mode, include -Dpropagate=true on the ant command:
ant -f WindchillConfigAssistant.xml target
The targets for which the -Dpropagate=true argument is valid are as follows:
If you specify other targets on the ant command, the assistant does not check the value of the propagate property when it runs. Therefore, the -Dpropagate=true argument is not used.
You can include both the -Dinteractive=false and -Dpropagate=true arguments if you want to run in both unattended and propagation modes at the same time.
If the Windchill Configuration Assistant is executed in propagation mode, it automatically adds the ConfigurationRef element to the site.xconf file (if not already present). The addition happens regardless of whether the installConfigRef target has been run. See Targets for the site.xconf ConfigurationRef Element.