Specialized Administration > Configuring Your Windchill Environment > Configuring Password Management Options > System Password Encryption Options > Encrypting Passwords Stored in Windchill Property Files > Encrypting Windchill System Passwords
Encrypting Windchill System Passwords
By default, a set of Windchill system passwords are encrypted. Encrypting additional system passwords is a three-step process:
1. Identify the properties that contain the passwords you want encrypted and update the validProperties.list file to reflect this list of properties.
2. Run the encryptAllPasswords target available from the EncryptPasswords.xml script to encrypt all passwords currently stored in plain text in the Windchill properties identified in the validProperties.list file that was updated in step 1.
3. Restart Windchill so that the changes made to property values take effect.
Details for completing steps 1 and 2 are in the following sections.