Installation and Upgrade > Installation and Configuration Guide > Advanced Configurations > Configuring IIS and Embedded Servlet Engine > Configuring IIS and Windchill > Installing PTC Embedded Servlet Engine Connector into IIS
Installing PTC Embedded Servlet Engine Connector into IIS
To install the PTC Embedded Servlet Engine connector into IIS, complete the following steps:
1. Open an Administrator command prompt window and navigate to the <IISConnectorDir>/scripts directory.
2. Enter the following command (all on one line), replacing the italicized arguments as directed in the table that follows:
Name of the IIS web site to use; the default IIS website is “Default Web Site” (including the double-quotes). You may opt to use a separate web site, that must be manually configured within the IIS Manager
If you use a value other than “Default Web Site”, be sure to use that value instead of “Default Web Site” throughout the remainder of these instructions.
Full path to the Windchill installation directory.
Optional –
The Windchill web app name. By default this is ‘Windchill’ and only needs to be specified if you are using a different web app name.
Examine the output of the command to ensure that there are no errors. It may be helpful to redirect the output of the command to a file by adding > outputfile to the command and loading the output file into a text editor afterwards.