Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Customizing PSE for Subtypes > Solution > Further customization
Further customization
To extend the above example, consider adding the “myDescription” attribute to the Uses Tab. When editing this String attribute, the user may want to specify many characters, however to perform this in the space of the cell in a table is not easy. So, it is possible to associate a different renderer to this attribute that will popup a dialog when editing the value, allow the user to enter many lines of text.
Locate the Table entry with id ptc.wnc.exp.PartUsedLinkTabTable and add
<CellDefinition id="myDescription" displayModeOverride="edit">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="com.aprilia.www.myDescription"
<Import id="ptc.wnc.exp.AssocAttrAction"/>
Just using the Golf Cart as an example, this will result in the following dialog being presented when the “…” button is selected in the cell.
This renderer could also be applied to the attributes in the Information Tab.