Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Customizing PSE Menus, Toolbars and Popup Menus > Objective > Background
The definition of the PSE Menus, Toolbars and popup menus are interconnected. The definition of the user interface actions that appear in the toolbars and popup menus is inherited from the ActionAccess definition of the Menu Bar.
The Menu Bar and Menu Items that are displayed do not change based on the mode (“edit”, “draft” or “annotate”) in which PSE is working, though items may become disabled if they are not relevant for the mode. The Toolbar does change based on the mode, as do the popup menus exposed in the tables. Only menu items that have an icon associated can appear in a toolbar.
In the Task Tabs of PSE, a number of tables are defined, which have tool bars and popup menus. These are implemented in the exact same way as the main menu bar via ActionAccess definitions, but the menus are not displayed.