Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Creating a Requirements Tab > Define a <Tab> element for the Requirements tab
Define a <Tab> element for the Requirements tab
This will define the Requirements tab element.
1. Open the PDMLinkExplorerMain.xml file from the following location:
2. After the <TabSet> element, define a <Tab> element for the Requirements tab:
<TabSet id="ptc.pdm.pse.ExplorerTaskTabSet" ... >

<Tab id="mycom.wnc.exp.RequirementsTab"
<Label imageName="wtcore/images/change_action.gif">
<Resource key="requirementsTabLabel"/>
<Import id="mycom.pdm.pse.RequirementAssocTable"/>
The id attribute for the Tab element must match the id specified in the import sub-element of the <TabSet> element defined above.
The class defined for the enabledDeciderClass attribute of the Tab element, controls what types this tab will be enabled for when parts are selected in the structure tree. This must be implemented by the customer.
The imageName attribute of the <Label> sub-element defines the icon to display on the tab.
The <Resource> sub-element of <Label> refers to the defined text label for the tab.
The <Panel> element contains an import to the defined table to be displayed.