Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Creating a Requirements Tab > Define <ActionDefinition> elements referred to in the <MenuItem> elements
Define <ActionDefinition> elements referred to in the <MenuItem> elements
These are instructions for presenting the actions on the Requirements tab in PSE. These instructions will provide an action to correspond with the menu and toolbar item entries for the Fulfill Requirement action defined in the customization instructions for setting up the Requirements Tab.
1. Open the PDMLinkExplorerActions.xml file from the following location:
2. Locate the <ExplorerElementGroup> element with a sub-element <LogicContext> with the application attribute value of 'ptc.pdm.ProductStructureExplorer'. The ActionDefinition elements will be added after the LogicContext element.
3. Define the appropriate element using the steps found in the following sections.