Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Customizing Attribute Displays within Section Headings > Customizing the Display of Attributes in Groups
Customizing the Display of Attributes in Groups
There is a clause in the SectionHeading element that allows you to edit the detail of a group of attributes. Using this clause you can hide or show specific attribute from panels in the display, such as the Create Part Wizard, Insert Existing Part Wizard, or the Information Tab.
In the following sample code "allowAttrDetails=true" clauses have been added to the SectionHeading element of the CreateChildPartTab2 attribute group that is used by the Insert Child Wizard.
Sample Code:
<AttributeGroup id="ptc.wnc.exp.CreateChildPartTab2"
scrollable="true" displayMode="edit">
<SectionHeading allowAttrDetails="true">
<Resource key="Properties Top"/>
<CellDefinition id="name">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="name"/>
<CellDefinition id="number">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="number"

<SectionHeading allowAttrDetails="true">
<Resource key="Properties 1"/>
<CellDefinition id="view">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="view"

<CellDefinition id="folder">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="folder"

<CellDefinition id="source">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="source"/>
<CellDefinition id="partType">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="partType"/>
<SectionHeading allowAttrDetails="true">
<Resource key="Properties 2"/>
<CellDefinition id="usedQuantityAmount">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="usedQuantityAmount"/>
<CellDefinition id="usedQuantityUnit">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="usedQuantityUnit"/>
<CellDefinition id="usedTraceCode">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="usedTraceCode"/>
<CellDefinition id="effPropagationStop">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="effPropagationStop"/>
<CellDefinition id="jobAuthorizationNumber">
<EnabledDependency inverted="false">
<Assembly assembly="wadm"/>
<CellDefinition id="contractNumber">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="contractNumber"/>
<EnabledDependency inverted="false">
<Assembly assembly="wadm"/>
<CellDefinition id="phase">
<AttributeDefinition attributeId="phase"/>
<EnabledDependency inverted="false">
<Assembly assembly="wadm"/>
Adding the "allowAttrDetails=true" clauses produces the following output in the UI.
Adding a SectionHeading creates the box around the group of attributes that follow the SectionHeading.
The Label clause of the SectionHeading gives the text for the box.
The allowAttrDetails="true" clause enables the Details icon to show after the label and also enables a popup menu for the panel.
This is the Details dialog that displays after you click the Details icon after the label. The user can hide or show individual attributes, but cannot change the order of the attributes.
For example, the user can choose to hide the Location attribute within the Properties 1 section. This is now saved as a preference for this user and will stay this way the next time the user loads PSE.