Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Process Plan Explorer
Customizing the Process Plan Explorer
Process plans are the detailed description of what needs to be done on the shop floor in order to produce, inspect, repair, or maintain a given part or assembly. They contain the operations to be performed, the order in which they must be done, the physical resources, plants and skills required, document references, text description, and time and cost requirements.
Using Windchill MPMLink Process Plans you can define the following.
The operations needed to carry out the manufacturing of a product.
The sequences in which these operations are carried out.
The time, costs, and constraints for each operation.
The physical resources and skills required to carry out operations.
The parts required to manufacture the product, as well as where and how they are used during the manufacturing process.
In Windchill MPMLink Process plans are also used to create shop-floor Work Instructions. Work instructions are the step by step instructions that are used on the shop floor when producing, inspecting, repairing or maintaining parts. A work instruction is a dynamically generated HTML document that combines process plan information (sequences, operations, part allocations, resource allocations, time, etc.) and all related documents such as drawings, images and 3D sessions with annotations.