Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > User Interface Technology Overview > Windchill Client Architecture Common Objects Overview > NmCommandBean
NmCommandBean provides Windchill Client Architecture state information to other Windchill Client Architecture layers. It is the what, where, and how of the UI. It wraps the request object and adds value by parsing the parameters into related items.
Once initialized by the request, the NmCommandbean can answer Windchill Client Architecture related questions. It essentially carries the request and helper methods to access the jca state information.
Interesting attributes:
Context: the where compcontext, parentContext, element context, etc are used to determine what page is displayed and where actions are launched. (Note that this is becoming obsolete and should be deprecated in the next release.)
oids : the objects that actions or pages apply to.
Contains a number of helper APIs:
getActionOid() : gets the object that is the target of the action.
getPageOid(): gets object that the page is being displayed in this page.
getViewingContainer() : gets the container that the page is displayed in.
See the javadoc for more info api usages.