Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Presenting Information in the UI > UI Validation > Solutions > Procedure – Pre-Validation > Implementing Validation Filters > Registering Filters
Registering Filters
Once you've created a filter, the next step is to register it.
Depending on the type of filter you implement (universal or simple), your filter registry will differ. When providing a selector in your registry, the convention is to use the filter class name with replacing the first letter with a lower-case letter, and eliminating the "filter" suffix (e.g., "MarkedForDeleteFilter" would have a selector of "markedForDelete"). The following details should clarify:
To register a universal filter, in *service.proeprties.xconf, create an entry like this:
<Service context="default"
selector="markedForDelete" requestor="null" />

When registering a simple filter, the only difference is the name
attribute of the Service element:

<Service context="default"
selector="markedForDelete" requestor="null" />