Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Incorporating Pickers in JSP Clients > Configuring Pickers > Solution > Procedure - Launching the picker and defining the object types to be searched
Procedure - Launching the picker and defining the object types to be searched
The picker can be launched from your JSP by calling the itemPicker tag:
<wctags:itemPicker id="customized_item_picker" objectType="WCTYPE|
wt.part.WTPart|org.r_and_d.mypart" componentId="customizedItemPickerForSoftPart "/>
The objectType parameter indicates that the search should be limited to objects of type org.r_and_d_mypart.
The value of the id parameter should be an identifier that is unique for the given page.
The value of the componentId parameter is a key that will be used to look up the search criteria to be presented in the picker. This is described in the next section.