Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Incorporating Pickers in JSP Clients > Configuring Pickers > Solution > Procedure - Customizing the search result table view
Procedure - Customizing the search result table view
Search result tables use the table common component and hence the column display can be configured by creating a new table view.
You will first need to create a new JCAConfigurableTable Java class defining your table view.
Then create a service property entry in a *.properties.xconf file that can be used to look up your table view class based on an identifier you choose called the “selector.” For example, if your table view class was CustomizedPartView, your service property entry might look like this:
<Service context="default"
serviceClass="" requestor="java.lang.Object"
selector="wt.part.WTPart.customizedSearchView "/>
Finally, pass the selector as below to the picker tag, as shown below, and the search results table will be rendered with this view.
<wctags: itemPicker id=" customized_item_picker"
containerRef="<OR: wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct:33707”