Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Gathering the Data for the UI > Acquiring Data via Info*Engine > Solution > Procedure – Implementing the Component Data Builder > Supplying form data to the task
Supplying form data to the task
By default, any request parameters in your JSP page will be supplied as part of the form data to your task. So, if the page’s URL ends with something like “/somePage.jsp?foo=bar”, then in your task implementation, “@FORM[]foo[]” will map to “bar”.
If you want to explicitly configure the form data for your task, then you can do this by creating the form group and then specifying the name of the group as follows:
//pass the taskName as constructor
IeTaskInfo taskInfo = new IeTaskInfo("jca-Search");
//create your FORM group
Group groupIn = new Group("FORM");
return taskInfo;