Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Wizard Processing > FormResult / Client-Side Post Form Processing > Refreshing/Updating JCA Components > Examples of Custom Action Handling > Replacements for FormResultAction.JAVASCRIPT
Replacements for FormResultAction.JAVASCRIPT
In cases where extra javascript was needed to run to update specific components in the page as the result of an action, it is better to add component specific objectsaffected listeners instead that react to the specific action, such as the checkout action example below. Some wizards may want to add a listener specific to the wizard because the javascript is often times not needed in other pages.
Wizard Specific Handler
Actions that need to perform custom or specific code as the result of a wizard can use a callback function for handling a successful submission. This successFunc configuration parameter is passed to the PTC.wizard.submitWizard function. This successFunc is then called when the wizard receives the FormResult from the server and begins to fire the afteraction and objectsaffected events. This allows an action owner to control the flow and behavior of the wizard more specifically than needing to modify how individual components handle the event name. For Example, the checkin Button on the edit wizard has a success handler to launch the checkin wizard once the attributes are successfully saved to the database.
In the sample code below, notice that the function passed to the wizard code:
<command onClick="onEditSubmit('checkinButton')"/>
function onEditSubmit(actionName){
var params = {successFunc: PTC.wizard.launchCheckinWizard,
finished: actionName=='saveButton'};
Change how an object is handled for a specific table
For example, you can add a row to the checkouts table instead of adding a checkout glyph to an existing row (from wip.jsfrag):
PTC.wip = {};
* add/remove rows from the checkouts table for the wip actions
PTC.wip.checkoutsTableObjectsAffectedWrapper =
function(original, formResult) {

if (formResult.actionName === 'checkout') {
var added_new_rows = formResult.getUpdatedOids();

if(added_new_rows.length > 0) {

rowHandler.addRows(added_new_rows,, null, {
doAjaxUpdate : true,
addSorted : true
return true;
return, formResult);

PTC.wip.addCheckoutTableListeners = function (table) {
table.onObjectsAffected = table.onObjectsAffected.wrap
