Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Client Generated Form Data > Solution > Procedure – Submitted Client-generated hidden form data
Procedure – Submitted Client-generated hidden form data
Add default values for client-generated fields (Optional)
If you do not need per-table-row hidden input values for your application, you may skip this step.
If your application needs a hidden input value for each object appearing in a table, add one or more column definitions in the wizard's table builder defining columns that are 'data store only' and 'editable'. Use an appropriate data utility to generate the default values. Give the columns unique names so they can be identified in your event listener (e.g., “hiddenColumn1”).
TableConfig table = factory.newTableConfig();
table.setId ('MYTABLEID');
. <... other table configuration here ...>
ColumnConfig hiddenCol1 = factory.newColumnConfig ("hiddenColumn1", false);
hiddenCol1.setDataUtilityId ("SOME_DU_ID");
hiddenCol1.setNeed ("SOME_DU_ID");
hiddenCol1.setComponentMode (ComponentMode.EDIT);
hiddenCol1.setDataStoreOnly (true);
table.addComponent (hiddenCol1);

ColumnConfig hiddenCol2 = factory.newColumnConfig ("hiddenColumn2", false);
hiddenCol2.setDataUtilityId ("SOME_DU_ID");
hiddenCol2.setNeed ("SOME_DU_ID");
hiddenCol2.setComponentMode (ComponentMode.EDIT);
hiddenCol2.setDataStoreOnly (true);
table.addComponent (hiddenCol2);
Your hidden data columns must be defined as “editable” and “data store only” as shown in the bold lines in the code above.
SOME_DU_ID is the ID of a suitable data utility that will provide the default values for the column. It must return a non-null value for the objects in the wizard's table; otherwise, there will be no corresponding field for the object's row in the data store.