Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Building Wizards to Edit a Single Object > Solution > Procedure — Creating an Edit Wizard > Create a Main jsp for Your Wizard
Create a Main jsp for Your Wizard
Next, create a jsp which describes the edit wizard. At a minimum it is generally necessary to put in just one step for editing attributes. For more details on advanced configuration of the edit attributes step see Customizing Reusable Wizard Steps .
<%-- This wizard is an example of using a read-only attributes panel in
an Edit wizard. --%>
<%@ include file="/netmarkets/jsp/components/beginWizard.jspf"%>
<%@ include file="/netmarkets/jsp/components/includeWizBean.jspf"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="jca"
<%@ taglib prefix="wip"
<%-- This tag checks out the document and sets magical form inputs
and data on the command bean. This makes sure that the command
bean's get oid methods return the oid of the working copy. --%>
<wip:autoCheckOutItem />
<jca:initializeItem operation="${createBean.edit}"/>
<jca:wizard buttonList="EditWizardButtons"
title="Example Literature Edit with Attribute Panels">
<jca:wizardStep action="editAttributesWizStep"
type="object" embeddedHelp="This is an example of a
simple Edit wizard. This wizard demonstrates how to
change the attributes in the read only
attribute panel."/>
<%@include file="/netmarkets/jsp/util/end.jspf"%>
AutoCheckOutItem Tag
If your target object is a Workable and your wizard can be launched for an object that is not already checked out via a “Check Out and Edit” or other action, you should include an autoCheckOutItem tag in your main jsp immediately below the initializeItemTag.
<%@ taglib prefix="wip"
This tag will check out the object to the current user before opening the wizard.
Button Set
Typically, wizards for editing Workable objects will use one of the following two button sets:
EditWizardButtons” (multiple-step wizards)
NoStepsEditWizardButtons” (single step wizards)
These include Save and Check In buttons.
For editing nonWorkable objects one of the following is usually used:
DefaultWizardButtonsNoApply (multiple-step wizards)
NoStepsWizardButtons (single step wizards)
These are all defined in <Windchill>/codebase/config/actions/actionmodels.xml.