Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Adding Actions and Hooking Them Up in the UI > User Interface Stickiness > Resetting Stickiness
Resetting Stickiness
If user interface stickiness is causing issues or acting strangely, you may need to reset the stickiness. Server state stickiness and client state stickiness are reset differently, and you don’t necessarily need to reset both, depending on what is acting strangely.
To reset the server state stickiness, navigate to http://<host>/<webapp>/app/netmarkets/jsp/user/utilitiesList.jsp and click “Reset Server Stickiness”. This action will popup a confirmation box and by clicking OK all your server state stickiness will be reset to the default state. This includes both Information Page tab order and Information Page table order.
Various actions may clear the client state provider stickiness information depending upon your browser. To ensure that all client stickiness is removed, delete all your temporary internet files (usually in the Tools menu), close all browser windows, and restart the browser.