Advanced Customization > Services and Infrastructure Customization > Import Export Framework > Product Design eXchange (PDX) Support for Export > Customization Points
Customization Points
Required Artifacts
Class files: wt.ixb.pdx.*
XSL path used for transformation: <Windchill>\codebase\registry\ixb\pdx
DTD path: <Windchill>\codebase\registry\ixb\pdx\dtds
Default Behavior
By default it would be Agile compatible.
By default:
Agile_07.dtd” and “wcxml12pdx_agile.xsl” would be respective dtd and xsl corresponding to Agile format.
IPC_2571.dtd” and “wcxml2pdx.xsl” would be respective dtd and xsl corresponding to PDX format.
Overridable Properties for
pdx.export.dtdFilePath=$(wt.home)$(dir.sep)codebase$(dir.sep)registry$(dir.sep )ixb$(dir.sep)pdx$(dir.sep)dtds$(dir.sep) Agile_07.dtd
pdx.export.xslFilePath=$(wt.home)$(dir.sep)codebase$(dir.sep)registry$(dir.sep) ixb$(dir.sep)pdx$(dir.sep) wcsml2pdx_agile.xsl
The xsl may also be modified as per requirement or to support PDX export of other exportable Windchill objects.