Advanced Customization > Services and Infrastructure Customization > Import Export Framework > Navigating Through an Object’s Structure with ObjectSet Application > Navigating Rules
Navigating Rules
There are two types of navigating rules: Generator and Filter.
Generators are rules that are used by the application to traverse through the object’s structure and get all of its objects to be exported, such as “uses”, “described by”, “reference”, etc.
Filters are rules that are applied to objects to be exported to exclude certain objects from the export process. For example, with “Filter By Time”, we can choose to export objects that were modified during a specified period. This is the only OOTB filter currently available.
Available GeneratorIds are defined in XML files in the folder <Windchill>\codebase\registry\ixb\object_set_handlers with the tag <setGenerator>. A list of these Generator Ids can be obtained by calling to IXBHelper.service.getGeneratorList() passing the first argument as false. . The call returns all available Generators in the system.
IXBHelper.service.getGeneratorList() passing the first argument as true returns a list of Generators that will be displayed to the GUI for end-user selection. This helps to hide Generators that you don’t want the end-user to see. To hide these Generators, the XML files for these Generators, should have the <display> tag set to false.
For example: a paragraph of XML file for WTPart from <Windchill>\codebase\registry\ixb\object_set_handlers\product_struct.xml.