Advanced Customization > Services and Infrastructure Customization > Import Export Framework > How to Write Exp/Imp Handlers > How to Write a Class (Element) Import Handler > Handler for Non-Versioned Object
Handler for Non-Versioned Object
1. Create a Java class that extends ClassExporterImporterTemplate
2. Implement method: public Object createObject (IxbElement fileXML, Importer importer)
3. Override the following methods if necessary:
public Object importObjectsAttributes ( List<ElementObjectpair> pairs,
Importer importer);
public ObjectstoreObjects (
List<ElementObjectPair> pairs,
Importer importer);
public Object,importObjectsAttributesAfterStore(
List<ElementObjectPair> pairs,
Importer importer);
public Object findAmongExistingObjectsInternal (IxbElement fileXML,
Importer importer);
An object is imported by the following sequence: createObject(), importObjectsAttributes(), storeObjects(), importObjectsAttributesAfterStore().
createObject(): if the object doesn’t exist in database (is not found by findAmongExistingObjects), it will be created, and all the Ufid attribute of the object is imported.
importObjectsAttributes(): import all attributes of the object storeObjects(): the method storeObjects() will call to
importObjectsAttributesAfterStore() imports all attributes that must be imported after the object is stored.
4. Add an entry to the handlers registry file (<Windchill>\registry\ixb\handlers\coreX10). The entry specifies the class being imported (MyObject), XML DTD for core Windchill objects (standardX20.dtd), and the handler for the class com.ptc.mypackage.ExpImpForMyObject. An example entry follows:
</ elementImporter >