Advanced Customization > Services and Infrastructure Customization > Evolvable Classes > Background Information
Background Information
The generated externalization code reads and writes a data stream according to the following order, with field values for each class ordered alphabetically:
1. BottomClass.ID
2. MiddleClass.ID
3. TopClass.ID
4. TopClass field value1
5. TopClass field value2
6. TopClass field value...N
7. MiddleClass field value1
8. MiddleClass field value2
9. MiddleClass field value...N
10. BottomClass field value1
11. BottomClass field value2
12. BottomClass field value...N
To maintain externalization compatibility of a class from version to version, it is most important to understand the resulting stream layout for each version of a class. When the persistent signature of a class is being changed significantly, it may be helpful to map out the stream format for each version, in order to understand clearly what is necessary to read a previous version of the stream.
Beyond the fundamental understanding of the stream format, points in the following sections provide guidance concerning when and what kind of manual intervention is necessary to maintain compatibility.