Advanced Customization > Services and Infrastructure Customization > Enumerated Types > Editing the Resource Info for an Enumerated Type > Building Runtime Resources
Building Runtime Resources
Windchill provides a utility to build the runtime resource for the .rbInfo files.
To build the runtime resources into the codebase for a particular RB file, use the following command:
ResourceBuild <package.ClassName>
For example:
ResourceBuild example.MySizeRB
To build the runtime resource into the codebase for all the resource info files for a particular directory, use the following command:
ResourceBuild <directory_relative_to_src>
For example:
ResourceBuild example
The above script is a convenience wrapper for the bundle target in the bin/tools.xml Ant script. To see all the options available for direct use of the bundle target, use the following command:
ant -f bin/tools.xml
The resulting resource file is named <name>.RB.ser, which is a serialized instance of SerializedResourceBundle. For example, src/wt/example/MySizeRB.rbInfo will build to codebase/wt/example/MySizeRB.RB.ser.
To verify the values stored in a resource bundle, a verification utility is provided by the EnumeratedType base class. A batch file, enumVerify.bat, can be used to invoke this verification, as follows:
enumVerify <fully_qualified_EnumClassname>[<language>][<country>][<variant>]
The following are examples of usage:
enumVerify wt.lifecycle.State
enumVerify wt.lifecycle.State fr
enumVerify wt.lifecycle.State fr CA
For information on locales, and codes for languages and countries, see the java.util.Locale class entry in your installed Windchill Javadoc.