Advanced Customization > Business Logic Customization > Customizing Workflow Administration > Customizing Workflow Task Pages > Configuring Workflow Task Detail Pages > Process Overview > Identify PBO Actions
Identify PBO Actions
1. Identify the PBO actions such as checkin, check out, edit, or view info page.
2. Add identified actions in “ConfigurableTask.<Fully Qualified ClassName>” model (Netmarkets-actionmodels.xml). If it is not specified, then the OOTB action model for the PBO type is used.
<model name="TaskFormTemplateWizardButtons" resourceBundle="com.ptc.netmarkets.workflow.taskformtemplates.taskformtemplatesResource">
<action name="editButton" type="taskformtemplates"/>
<action name="checkinButton" type="taskformtemplates"/>
<action name="cancelButton" type="object"/>

<model name="ConfigurableTask.wt.part.WTPart">
<submodel name="more part actions"/>

<model name="ConfigurableTask.wt.change2.WTChangeIssue">
<action name="view" type="object"/>
<action name="edit" type="problemReport"/>
<action name="editModifyContentOnly type="problemReport"/>
