Advanced Customization > Business Logic Customization > Customizing Windchill Visualization Services > Custom Publishing > Solution > Procedure – Invoking Publishing from Custom Code/Workflow > Simple Publish
Simple Publish
You have an EPMDocument instance with publishable data and you want to create a default Representation.
String objRef =
Publisher pub = new Publisher();
boolean result = pub.doPublish(false, true, objRef,
(ConfigSpec)null, true, null, null,
Publisher.EPM, null, 0);
This simple example will simply add a publish job to the publishing queue for myepmdoc. The resulting default representation named “default” will be published using the As-Stored or Latest ConfigSpec as defined in (publish.configspec.default.useasstoredifavailable). Since the forceRepublish parameter was true, an existing representation with the same name would be replaced.
If you wanted to programmatically provide a name for the representation, or insert useful business information into the description modify the parameters. For example:
Publisher pub = new Publisher();
boolean result = pub.doPublish(false, true, objRef,
(ConfigSpec)null, true, “MyRep”,
(ConfigSpec)null, true, “MyRep”,
“My Description”, Publisher.EPM, null,
The only difference between this and the previous example is that the resulting default representation will have the name “MyRep” and have the description “My Description”.
If you wish to retrieve a reference to an existing Representation, set the viewableLink parameter to true and the forceRepublish parameter to false. If there is an existing Representation with the repName you provided associated to the Representable, you can call getViewableObjRef() following a call to doPublish. This will provide a String object reference if the Representation was found. Otherwise null will be returned.
String repObjRef = null;
Publisher pub = new Publisher();
if (pub.doPublish(true, false, objRef, (ConfigSpec)null,
true, “MyRep”, “My Description”, Publisher.EPM,
null, 0)) {
repObjRef = pub.getViewableObjRef();
In addition to getting the object reference of an existing Representation, you can also get an HTML fragment to use for launching Creo View to view the representation by using the getViewableLink() api following a call to doPublish. Again, viewableLink must be true, forceRepublish must be false, and a Representation with the name passed in for repName must exist on the Representable supplied by the objRef parameter.
String repLink = null;
Publisher pub = new Publisher();
if (pub.doPublish(true, false, objRef, (ConfigSpec)null,
true, “MyRep”, “My Description”, Publisher.EPM,
null, 0)) {
repLink = pub.getViewableLink();