Advanced Customization > Business Logic Customization > Report Generation > Customization Details > Customizing the Report Output Format > Using XSLT Stylesheets as Report Formats
Using XSLT Stylesheets as Report Formats
To use an XSLT stylesheet as a report format, you must specify it either in the report template user interface or, for report templates that specify their format as “Ask Upon Generate”, upon generation using the HTML report generation form. In either case, two means of specifying formats are allowed: custom and standard.
Specification of custom formats is done using up to two relative or absolute URLs. When the URLs are not absolute, they are relative to the Windchill codebase. When two XSLT URLs are specified, they are applied to the report results in series. The custom specification mechanism allows use of XSLT stylesheets that are not located on the Windchill server and facilitates testing of new stylesheets. It also allows the application of two XSLT stylesheets in a series, which is not possible through the standard format mechanism.
Specification of standard formats is done by selecting one from a list. Most of the provided XSLT stylesheets are part of this list. Additional formats can be added to this list by editing These property entries begin with
If an existing format is being replaced with a customization, then there may be an additional property entry for the format type that overrides the XSL. This property begins with and should be removed.
The format of these entries is that of the Windchill application services delegation mechanism. If localization of the additional entries is required, edit the Java resource bundle wt.query.template.TemplateResource.