Advanced Customization > Business Logic Customization > Report Generation > Customization Details > Customizing the Report Generation Client > Report Generation Output
Report Generation Output
The report generation output relies on the XSLT API. The basic steps are as follows:
1. Generate report data as XML using the ReportTemplateHelper generateXML() method.
2. Obtain a list of XSL stylesheets to apply. This can be specified as an attribute of the report template object or as HTTP parameters. The report template object XSL Specification attribute has precedence over the HTTP parameter values. This logic is implemented in the ReportTemplateHelper.getXSLSpec() method.
3. Create XSLT Transform objects chaining together the array of Stylesheets as necessary. This method is implemented in ReportTemplateHelper.getTransform().
4. Get the post-processor based on the output media type using ReportTemplateHelper.getPostProcessor(). This method uses the preferences mechanism to retrieve the class name of the post-processor.
5. Set the response output type and generate data to the response output stream:
// No post processor found
outputMimeType, finalSheet.getOutputEncoding()));
transform.outputToStream( response.getOutputStream() );
// Post processor found
postProcessor.process( transform, response.getOutputStream() );