Installation and Upgrade > Advanced Deployment Considerations > Network Configuration > rsync Instructions > Connecting to an rsync Daemon Using a Remote-shell Connection
Connecting to an rsync Daemon Using a Remote-shell Connection
Remote shell access is not normally enabled on Windows systems; therefore, this method is generally only used for UNIX and Linux systems.
An rsync client can remotely start an rsync server through a remote shell connection. For most one-time uses, this is the easiest method for the following reasons:
It does not require the configuration of an rsync server configuration file.
It does not require manually starting a server on the source system because the rsync client automatically starts the server.
Starting the rsync server remotely does require that the server have a remote shell available. Remote shells that support rsync are rsh and ssh. To use this method, verify with a UNIX system administrator whether a remote shell such as rsh or ssh are available.
Use the following command format to run on the target system for synchronizing a source system to a target system:
rsync -av -e [ssh or rsh] [user]@[sourcesystemhostname]:[absolute path to
application]/][target path to application]
For example, assume that you are using ssh on the target system known as windchillserver and the user that owns the files is wcadmin. Then enter the following command:
rsync -av -e ssh wcadmin@windchillserver:/source/windchill/ /destination/windchill
This command connects through ssh as the user wcadmin on the Windchill server and starts up an rsync server. The client synchronizes /location/to/windchill to the local directory /location/to/windchill on the target system. If using rsh, replace -e ssh with -e rsh.
The recommended options -av enable archive mode and turn on some verbosity. Archive mode recursively copies all directories in files in /location/to/windchill, preserves symbolic links, timestamps, file permissions, file ownership, and any special UNIX file types.
If /location/to/windchill exists, and contains files that do not currently exist on the source system, the -delete argument can be added to delete those files. Using the -delete argument results in the target directory contents being identical to the source contents.