Installation and Upgrade > Advanced Deployment Considerations > Network Configuration > rsync Instructions > Manually Connecting to an rsync Daemon to Accept Connections
Manually Connecting to an rsync Daemon to Accept Connections
In cases where the remote shell functionality is not available or where you need to rsync multiple machines from a single source system, the rsync daemon (rsyncd) can be a more effective solution. This is the case on Windows, which does not normally enable a remote shell access.
The following is an example of the rsyncd.conf file on the server:
use chroot = no
comment= Windchill application
This rsyncd.conf file defines a [Windchill] module with a location of /location/to/windchill.
The use chroot = no directive is only required when running the rsync daemon as a non-root user.
The rsync daemon can be started with the following command:
rsync --daemon --config=[path to rsyncd.conf file]
By default, the rsync port is 873. Binding to this port requires root privileges. Include the following for non-root binding:
--port=[some port higher than 1024]
For more information on rsync daemon configuration, see the rsyncd.conf manpage in the following web site:
After the rsync daemon is started, the rsync client can be used to connect directly to it to perform a synchronization. Use the following command format for the synchronization:
rsync -av rsync://[source system]:[rsync daemon port]/[rsync module] /location/to/windchill
For example, assume that an rsync daemon is configured using the example rsyncd.conf file running on windchillserver. Then enter the following command:
rsync -av rsync://windchillserver:873/windchill /location/to/windchill
The port portion (:873) can be omitted if the rsync daemon is running on the default port.
Additional rsync command options and rsync daemon configuration file parameters are documented in the rsync documentation. You can find the rsync documentation in the following web site:
If advanced rsync configuration is required, then see the rsync documentation.