Basic Administration > Administering Windchill > Contexts – Distributed and Hierarchical Administration > Context Administrative Items > Context Structure
Context Structure
Structure items identify the domains, cabinets, folders, notebook folders, discussion topics, and reference folders for notebooks that are in the context and the domain inheritance scheme that is in place. Contexts define a structure in which related information is organized. This structure can be represented by a domain hierarchy, folder hierarchy, product structure hierarchy, collection of discussion topics, or predefined milestones in a schedule. The structure defined by the context enforces consistency and improves efficiency.
The use of the context structure is very apparent when you look at how domains can help organize rules for users. For example, the Administrator user is associated with the site context /System domain and, therefore, is segregated from other users by default. The other users are associated with child domains of the /User domain. The User domain is in the site context, and the child domains of the /User domain can be in the site context or in an organization context.