Advanced Customization > Info*Engine User’s Guide > Info*Engine Tasks > Authoring Info*Engine Tasks > Parts of a Task
Parts of a Task
Each Info*Engine standalone task should contain the following items:
The standard JSP page directive.
Although the Info*Engine task compiler only uses the import attribute from the page directive, it is good practice to include it as the first line in your task file even when no additional classes are required. You should use fully qualified class names in scriptlets or specify the classes used in scriptlets on the import statement.
The standard JSP taglib directive, which declares that the Info*Engine standalone task uses custom tags defined in a tag library.
You must put this directive before any lines that use the custom tags in the library.
Info*Engine custom tags, which provide access to a set of custom actions that encapsulate recurring functionality.
The custom tags provide the syntax for executing webjects and provide the structure around which you can build a task.
The previous CreateGroup.xml example task includes the following standard JSP directives:
<%@page language="java" session="false"%>
This is the standard page directive. No additional classes are required for this task.
To identify the “core” Info*Engine tag library you must include the following:
<%@ taglib uri=""
           prefix="ie" %>
This provides the general tags that can be used in the task and specifies ie as the required prefix that identifies the tag as belonging to the core tag library.
The previous CreateGroup.xml example task also includes the webject and param tags:
The webject tag identifies the Create-Group webject.
The param tags supply webject parameters and parameter values.
For the Create-Group webject, the parameters define both name of the output group and the attributes and values of elements in the group.
There are many more custom tags that you can use in a task. For the description and syntax of all of the custom tags, see Info*Engine Tags.
In addition to directives and custom tags, you can include JSP scriptlets, expressions, and declarations in your Info*Engine tasks. For the details on how the Info*Engine task compiler processes scriptlets, expressions, and declarations, see their corresponding descriptions in Scriptlets, Expressions, and Declarations.