Advanced Customization > Info*Engine User’s Guide > Info*Engine Custom Tag Reference > Info*Engine Tags > Directory Library Tags > createObjects
The createObjects tag creates new entries in the specified LDAP directory service.
Before executing this tag, you must create an Info*Engine group that contains elements that define the LDAP entries. Each element must have the following attributes:
dn—The distinguished name of the entry.
objectClass—The object class to associate with the entry. Determines valid values from the directory schema configured for the LDAP server.
You can include additional attributes in each element, if they are required by the object class.
You specify the required Info*Engine input group by nesting the param tag in this tag block and providing the GROUP_IN parameter value. For more information, see the param tag.
You also specify the required parameter by nesting the param tag in this tag block.
<iedir:createObjects uri="service_URL">
<iedir:param name="GROUP_IN" data="group_name"/>
Attribute Descriptions
Required Attributes: uri
Specifies an LDAP URL that identifies the directory service to use when creating the new entries. For example, entering the following URL identifies the host and the base entry as “”:
This attribute is required.
The following example declares that the page uses tags from the Info*Engine directory and core tag libraries and that the tags have the iedir and ie prefixes. The task tag block creates the group of elements used as input and the createObjects tag block creates LDAP entries in the “” directory service:
<%@ taglib uri=""
prefix="ie" %>

<%@ taglib uri=""
prefix="iedir" %>

<ie:task uri="ldaptask.xml">
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="ldap_group"/>

<iedir:param name="GROUP_IN" data="ldap_group"/>