Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > WVS Publisher > File Synchronization > Using a File Synchronization-Capable Worker > Configuring the Worker > Post Install Configuration of the Worker on UNIX
Post Install Configuration of the Worker on UNIX
The worker requires access to a valid X server display. Through a system shell on the X server system, allow display access to the worker machine through the following command:
xhost +<worker machine name>
Edit the worker script to set the display to that X server system with the following line:
setenv DISPLAY <X server machine name>:0
For the following example, the worker system and the X server display are the same system.
Below is the command issued through a shell on the X server system that permits access from the worker machine:
The following is a sample modified proeworker script file with the X server display setting defined:
xhost +crescendo.ptcnet.ptc.com
#!/bin/csh -f
echo Launching proe2pv in worker mode - see log file
setenv DISPLAY crescendo.ptcnet.ptc.com:0
setenv PVIEW_HOME "/viz/productview_adapters"
setenv PVIEW_WORKING_DIR `pwd`
cd "/viz/workers/qaxw6000_PDMPJL90/wildfire"

echo Launching proe2pv in worker mode > proeworker.log
"$PVIEW_HOME/bin/proe2pv" -vc -vL
"/viz/workers/qaxw6000_PDMPJL90/wildfire/proeworker.log" -EW -
CSsonata 2573 -r
"/viz/workers/qaxw6000_PDMPJL90/wildfire/proe2pv.rcp" $*:q &