Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > WVS Publisher > File Synchronization > Using a File Synchronization-Capable Worker > Encrypting Passwords When Using File Synchronization
Encrypting Passwords When Using File Synchronization
An administrator is responsible for setting up the workers that are used for publishing and generating viewables on the Windchill server. One authentication file is created for each publisher. The names of these authentication files are defined in the useworkerdownload property. The out-of-the-box wvs.properties file includes the useworkerdownload property, and that property identifies one authentication file named auth.properties.
Initially, each authentication file created contains user names and plain-text passwords for workers that support file synchronization. To encrypt the passwords stored in these WVS authentication files, see the “Encrypting Passwords Stored in WVS Authentication Files” section in System Password Encryption Options.