Enterprise Administration > Implementing Windchill ESI > Implementing Windchill ESI in an SAP Environment > Understanding Windchill ESI Architecture > Message Logging, Error Handling, and Return Messaging > EAI Logging Process > Log Message Codes > Message Code > Internationalization
Each message is associated with a five-digit code, for example, 40003. This helps message logging configuration by locale and distribution target.Windchill ESI provides localized message text for several supported languages. You can choose the desired logging language for each deployed BusinessWorks process engine via the global variable, ESILog/Locale. Messages, by default, are stored in the ESIMessageLookups.properties. You may configure the default Windchill ESI message texts in this file for specific distribution targets and additional locales. Message lookup keys can contain wildcards. That is, you may set a code to work for any locale and any system.
Log messages are chosen in the following order of precedence: locale, system, wildcard.
The format of an entry is: Code.System.Locale=Localized Text
For example:
41308.PT3.en_US=<Text for SAP Instance PT3 in US English>
41308.*.de_DE=<Text for all systems in German>
41308.*.*=<Default text for all systems and locales>